Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tech influentials

Portfolio magazine recently ran a piece on the 25 people who are changing the way we do business. Not surprisingly, the top spots were occupied by the usual suspects: Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Sergey Brin, the so-called Governing Tribunal of Google; Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon; and Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. Checking in at the four spot was Joe Rospars of Blue State Digital.

Rospars' name recognition isn't on par with the aforementioned tech influentials, but his impact on using technology for marketing is being felt in the professional and political worlds. Rospars was Barack Obama's new media director and used Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, texting and e-mailing to raise funds and generate support for Obama's successful presidential bid.

The impact of Rospars' work on how future political, and marketing, campaigns will be waged is why his status has soared on this list of influentials.

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