Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday morning musings (or, a Day One NCAA hangover)

What a dilemma--as much as I look forward to the NCAA Tournament, I'm almost slightly depressed today knowing that there is no way that Day Two will match the drama of Day One. Has there been a better first day of the tournament? I'm pretty sure not...and, if the tournament is expanded, we won't see the first round match-ups--and upsets--that highlighted yesterday's action.

In other news, what's up with Sandra Bullock and hubby Jesse James? Bullock has moved out of their home upon news of James' infedility. He has not denied the report but did issue a statement and apology which included his position that the story has been greatly exaggerated. Nonetheless, the actress who offered a touching tribute to her husband two weeks ago at the Academy Awards is now living apart from her mate.

The Bullock news is eerily timed with the impending divorce of Kate Winslet from director Sam Mendes. The two former Best Actress winners join fellow Oscar winners Hilary Swank, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, Susan Sarandon, Charlize Theron, Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Helen Hunt and Emma Thompson who, since their Academy Award wins, have split with husbands or partners.

Now, on to less serious topics:
- Did you see the CNN anchor who slipped and called Osama Bin Laden by the name "Obama" during a news report? Ouch...
- OK, this is kinda creepy--ex-Idol winner Taylor Hicks has publicly stated that he wouldn't mind hooking up with "my 15 minutes of fame have gone on way too long" octo-mom Kate Gosselin. Maybe Hicks realizes that his career needs a publicity injection and thus has designs on Gosselin.
- Perhaps the influence of Mad Men is now being felt on the big screen. Warner Brothers announced their plan to remake 77 Sunset Strip, a hit TV show in the late 1950's/early 1960's, into a movie. And, the studio plans to make it a period piece.

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