Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's (Mad Men) back!

When last we saw Don Draper, it was 17 months ago and he had just proposed to his secretary, Megan.  After returning from a family trip to Disneyland, where Megan went along to help with kids, the happy couple announced their engagement to colleagues at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.  The date?  October 1965.

Where will Season Five of Mad Men begin?  Will Don really be married?  And, what of Draper's former wife, Betty; Joan, Peggy and the others?

Here is what we do know as we await the Season Five premiere, which airs tonight on AMC in a two-hour kickoff episode:

- Early on, a new character will clearly show us how much time has passed since the Season Four finale.

- The opening scene will feature a bunch of ad guys that we've not scene in prior episodes.

- There is a new Bobby Draper.  Jared Gilmore, who was Bobby number three, now is on ABC's Once Upon a Time.  Mason Vale Cotton follows Maxwell Huckabee, Aaron Hart and Gilmore in the role of Draper's older son.

- Stay tuned for the credits--Jon Hamm (Don Draper) will be listed as Producer for the first time.  And, on next week's episode, Hamm will be listed as Director.

At long last, Mad Men is back.  And, we get to watch the best drama on television.

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