Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Oscars

- James Franco and Anne Hathaway. Digging on Anne's enthusiasm; James, uh, not so much. And, the pink dress? Not cool, although the Charlie Sheen line was funny.

- Melissa Leo. The F-bomb...really!? And, think about what you might say before you get up there and string a sentence together, for cryin' out loud.

- Kirk Douglas. Touching--for about 10 seconds.

- Glad Toy Story 3 won for Animated Feature. But, where was Despicable Me?

- Why do local ABC affiliate personalities feel the need to dress up in formal wear given that their network is broadcasting the Academy Awards?

- Why do winners so cavalierly run over their allotted time with acceptance speeches? Do they do that with time and budget over-runs on their films?

- Russell Brand and Helen Mirren. What's up with that presenter pairing? I know I'm not in the demo, but what the hell has Brand done to qualify as a worthy presenter?

- Mens' tuxedo lapels were all over the body--from Justin Timberlake's, which covered his shoulders, to Matthew McConaughey's, which barely were lapels at all. And, is the double-breasted look coming back?

- Cate Blanchett. Okay, the circle in the middle of the dress? What was that all about?

- And, I'm closing this out...this Academy Awards telecast is deathly, deathly dull.

Postscript: Whether it was Hathaway's insistence on a "wooh" for every person she introduced, Franco's stoner presence on stage, the lack of any unexpected outbursts from winners or losers, or just the general lack of pizzazz, this was undoubtedly the worst Oscar telecast in recent memory. Thank goodness the tweet world was ablaze with witticisms and cynicisms about the evening.

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