Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday afternoon rambling

- Mad Men, Game of Thrones and The Killing have finished their seasons but a fitting replacement is making Sunday nights appointment viewing again.  The Newsroom (HBO), the creation of Arron Sorkin, offers up the staccato dialogue and smart storylines we've come to expect from Sorkin (see West Wing.)  Jeff Daniels plays the acerbic Will McAvoy and leads a strong ensemble cast.  You can catch the third episode tonight.

- Only a retail chain catering to those buying for youngsters could get away with the brand Buy Buy Baby.  If you've not shopped in BBB, it's worth a visit if only to question how you ever survived without the multitude of gear and supplies for infants and toddlers.

- Speaking of interesting brand names, what's with Boston Market?  This purveyor of comfort food doesn't exactly conjur up images, for me, of good ol' Boston.

- I shake my head at those Kansas Citians who grouse about what the city is spending to welcome those coming to town for Tuesday's Major League Baseball All-Star Game.  Not only will All-Star week provide approximately $60 million in economic impact for the region, it's offering up immeasurable value in the visibility for Kansas City and the metropolitan area.

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